Easy collaboration for creative teams

Are your feedback loops with others all over the place? Stay on the ball with pixx.io. Just leave comments on suggested changes alongside designs or projects. This makes for effective & structured communication between teams.

Simple collaborations with pixxio

Easy Quick Stress-free Communicate more efficiently

Great communication? You bet! No back-and-forth emails, no time-consuming extra steps. Instead, you bundle your creative workflows with feedback and comments in one place. Efficiently get the job done as a team with pixx.io!

Create link & upload
Share link via email, slack, asana etc.
Feedback Collect feedback with pixxio
Feedback Submit comments in pixxio
Feedback Collect feedback with pixxio Submit comments in pixxio
Feedback All comments and wishes are collected in pixx.io. Collect comments with pixxio Create votes with pixxio
Image released

Quick & easy feedback loops

You know the drill. Your co-workers from graphics send you drafts and need feedback. So you switch between chat, email, and project management and are left with lost messages and pure chaos. But chaos no more! Give and receive feedback directly in your shared media space. Instantly share finished projects with all users. And record comments by multiple collaborators. Communicate effectively with pixx.io!

1000+ teams love pixx.io

Carsten Giermann von Authentic Sports and Toys
“The complete management process is simply more comfortable, and all our media files are just in one place now.”
Logo des Unternehmens Authentic Sports & Toys

Make team work easy & effective with pixx.io

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